Glen Newcomer, Oct. 9

by | Oct 9, 2017 | Ohio Country Journal

We started harvesting a couple of weeks ago and since then we have been working on soybeans. We have a third of our soybeans cut so far. We have not shelled any corn yet, but we are getting ready to switch over to that now that we are having some rain delays.

We have been having sporadic rains that have really prohibited us from getting aggressive on harvesting soybeans. Most of the soybeans that we have been harvesting have been in the 10% to 11% range. It has been difficult to manage or harvest soybeans around the optimal moisture of 13%.

We have been staying current on keeping up with soybean harvest as they mature. The last several days it has been raining which has slowed us down. I believe that we will be able to cut straight through with the rest of the varieties. All of the beans are now ready to be harvested.

Yields have been sporadic. They have been a reflection of the stresses we have seen during the growing season and the different soil types. We have seen beans in the 60s and we have had beans in the 30s. It has been all over the board.

From neighboring farmers we have heard about variable moisture in the corn from the high teens to the mid 20s and yields appear to be very good. There are a few stalk concerns at this time. Over the weekend we had some high winds and the drought stressed corn had some stalk breakage, but the vast majority is still standing fine.

The crop is coming off rapidly. When the weather breaks this next time I believe everyone around here will be going at it very aggressively. I am happy we went back and replanted the soybean acres that we did. It clearly shows the advantage to having the plant population out there.