Sometimes lessons must be learned the hard way. We are discovering that more and more when it comes to weed control in our fields. Sometimes we don?t fully understand the tools we are using, sometimes real-world results change as the species adapt. No matter what technology we are using, the goals are still the same. We need to get ahead of weeds before it is too late. To do that we need to get them before they start, and be ready to attack anything that slips through the first wave of treatment.
Camille Lambert is a Technical Service Manager for FMC. She says that we can?t look at our weed control program just on a year-by-year viewpoint, we need to be thinking of the future. If we don?t get these weeds now, what problems will we have in the future?
Just one Waterhemp or Palmer Amaranth plant that escapes, could put you in a predicament for years to come. Lambert says, if all else fails, pull it.
Of course, our best laid plans can be interrupted with one rainy spell. Lambert talks about making sure you are using the right products that allow you some adaptability if things don?t go to plan. One option is the Authority brand from FMC.
Lambert also talks about some old nemesis that are starting to make a comeback in our fields.
Lambert discusses the plans her family is going to follow this year.
To learn more about FMC products, visit their website.