From wet to too dry Between the Rows

by | Aug 14, 2017 | Ohio Country Journal

We could use some rain. The northern part of the county got a pretty good soaking but you can see

Scott Metzger, Pickaway Co.

Scott Metzger, Pickaway Co.

some beans getting dry down here on some of the gravel ground. You can see it in the double-crop beans here too. We?ve had three or four tenths so far this month. They are calling for some rain Wednesday or Thursday I believe.

You couldn?t have had an irrigation pivot in July and gotten better rains than we had. The beans are all unusually tall this year. We are starting to see a little bit of frogeye showing up in them but we are passed the time to spray. At this point you?ve got what you?ve got. I have never been a fan of tall beans. It seems like they spend more time growing than putting on pods. Until we get in them we won?t know how they will do. Tall beans in our black ground are not unusual but tall beans in our lighter ground ? that?s when you get nervous.

The double-crop beans look pretty good and they are coming along. Everything is clean. We?ve had some fields with a good bit of Japanese beetle feeding and some with hardly any at all. I don?t know the reason behind that.

We?ve seen a little brown spot but for the most part things are clean. We even have a couple varieties that are more susceptible to frogeye than others and they are actually pretty clean.

We only sprayed one field of beans for test strips. We did end up spraying all of the corn minus one field where we had sweet corn around the edges. We mostly had gray leaf spot in our corn. We had one field that is corn after corn and we had northern corn leaf blight in that one and found some rust too. Overall I think the corn is looking pretty good and we should have pretty good corn yields.

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