Former Iowa governor Terry Branstad to receive USMEF award

by | Oct 30, 2023 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Former Iowa Governor and U.S. Ambassador to China Terry Branstad has been selected to receive the U.S. Meat Export Federation’s (USMEF) Michael J. Mansfield Award. USMEF established this award in recognition of the U.S. Senate majority leader and ambassador to Japan whose five decades of government service advanced U.S. trade relations throughout the world. Through both his role as ambassador to China and as Iowa’s governor, Branstad made advancing U.S. agricultural exports a top priority.

“When given a level playing field, U.S. farmers and ranchers will thrive in the international marketplace,” Branstad said. “This is why it is so important to eliminate trade barriers and give our agricultural producers a fair opportunity to compete. I am proud to have played some role in improving global market access for American products and it has been gratifying to see U.S. agriculture capitalize on these opportunities.”

During Branstad’s time at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, the U.S. and China entered the Phase One Economic and Trade Agreement, which gave the U.S. beef industry its first meaningful access to the Chinese market in 17 years. The agreement also reduced barriers for U.S. pork exports to China.

“Phase One was a critical breakthrough for the U.S. meat industry and I had the pleasure of working with USMEF on some promotional activities right after the agreement entered into force,” Branstad said. “It was exciting to see firsthand how Chinese consumers welcomed the long-awaited arrival of U.S. beef.”

Bill Westman, who spent nearly 30 years with the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, will receive the USMEF Distinguished Service Award. Both awards will be presented Nov. 9 at the USMEF Strategic Planning Conference in New Orleans.