Forecasts for soybean world supplies and soybean oil and meal

by | Mar 19, 2025 | 5 Ag Stories, News

USDA will release the prospective plantings report on March 31st and will give the first glimpse into what to expect for acreage numbers this planting season.

The industry expectation is that there will be a shift of acres from soybeans to corn. However, USDA grains and oilseeds analyst Aaron Ates says yields are expected to be on the rise for soybeans in 2025.

The increase in yields in addition to an expected record soybean crop from Brazil should raise world supplies and put downward pressure on soybean prices. This is expected to facilitate demand for U.S. soybeans globally says Ates.

Ates says bean crush is expected to increase year over year as well with the demand for soy oil also up.

Ates expands on the outlook for soy oil in 2025.

He also details what to expect for soybean meal this year.

That was USDA grains and oilseeds analyst Aaron Ates.