FMC unveiling new Adastrio? fungicide for 2023

by | Dec 30, 2022 | 5 Ag Stories, News

We know that crop diseases are always bringing their A-game when we do battle in the fields each year. Many of these yield-robbing diseases are also good at adapting or evading our tools altogether. We must have companies that adapt their technology to keep our crops healthy all year. FMC is doing just that with a new fungicide called Adastrio?.

Gail Stratman is a Regional Technical Services Manager for FMC. He tells us about Adastrio? and tells us what it will bring to our fields.

Having that residual in place gets you a leg up on late-season diseases when getting to the middle of your field is a tougher prospect. He talks about how Adastrio? fits into a whole crop health plan from FMC.

When you are looking at uncertainty across the board in agriculture, you need to be prepared for anything to get the most bushels from your acres.

Learn more about Adastrio? and other FMC products on their website.