Getting off on the right foot is essential in everything that we do. This is no different in the planting season, and it certainly is true in the crop protection arena. We need to make sure that we are starting immediately because those weeds and pests are already moving as we lay that seed into the soil. That is why we are seeing biologicals play such an important role in getting our seeds started with what they need to survive.
Matthew Pye is with FMC, and he is talking about the work they are doing on bio-pesticides. He talks about the lineup that they are bringing to the market this year.
Pye talks about how getting these biologicals into the ground at planting gives you immediate protection against nematodes and added plant health benefits as the season progresses.
While no product eradicates nematodes, FMC products are helping mitigate their populations and the damage that they are doing.
FMC has products available for Soybean Cyst nematodes, but also for the nematodes that attack corn and wheat as well.
Learn more by visiting with your local FMC retailer.