Dry Weather Continues to Stress Indiana Crops

by | Aug 21, 2017 | HAT News Feed

Another dry week has kept irrigation systems running regularly to reduce some of the stress on crops, according to Greg Matli, Indiana State Statistician for the USDA?s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Few areas across the state received rain, and in many areas the rain was not enough to be beneficial for crops. Portions of West Central Indiana were considered to be abnormally dry according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. The statewide average temperature was 74.9 degrees, 2.1 degrees above normal. Statewide precipitation was 0.36 inches, below average by 0.50 inches. There were 6.3 days available for fieldwork for the week ending August 20, the same as the previous week.

Regionally, corn was 78% in dough in the North, 81% in Central, and 86% in the South. Corn was 41% dented in the North, 37% in Central, and 43% in the South. Corn rated in good to excellent condition was 56% in the North, 50% in Central, and 51% in the South. Soybeans were 87% setting pods in the North, 88% in Central, and 83% in the South. Soybeans rated in good to excellent condition were 58% in the North, 51% in Central, and 51% in the South.

Continued dry and hot weather increased stressors on corn and soybeans, especially in sandy soils and areas without irrigation. The presence of rust remained prevalent in corn fields, along with ear rot and diplodia stalk rot. Soybeans grown in sandy soils began to whiten in the afternoons from the heat. Growers reported that weeds are still growing strong across the State. Livestock was reported to be stressed some from the high temperatures. Most pastures exhibited signs of drought stress and are in need of moisture. Hay was cut this week, but some are concerned about getting in an additional cutting if the dry weather persists. Processing tomato and potato harvest progressed. Other activities for the week included scouting and spraying for pests on corn and soybeans, preparing bins for fall storage, hauling grain, and mowing roadsides.