Crops will still need timely rainfall this summer

by | Jun 3, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Iowa has seen no shortage of rain recently, and while we are starting to see consequences of too much rain, having our soil profiles refilled is a blessing as the growing season kicks off. However, that water that is stored in the soil won’t last forever. Iowa State Climatologist Dr. Justin Glisan said we’ll still need to see timely rains over the summer in order to replenish the water as it is used by the plants.

Farmers who are still needing to finish up planting should be in luck, as Glisan said there is a bit of a drier signal in the weather forecast.

Additionally, we are still transitioning from El Nino to La Nina and are currently in the ENSO-neutral phase. Glisan said the recent climate patterns have corresponded to what we would expect during that transition.

While the La Nina will bring us warmer temperatures, Glisan reminded everyone that it does not really correlate to weather activity.

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