Connecting with soybean growers in Iowa and across the nation

by | Aug 14, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Iowa Soybean Association board members are elected to three-year terms and are eligible to serve three consecutive terms. Pat Swanson is wrapping up her ninth year on the Iowa Soybean Association board and says that her third term is set to wrap up soon.

Swanson says that despite her familiarity with the Iowa Soybean Association, before becoming a board member she did not know the extent of the research and conservation work that ISA performs.

Swanson farms near Ottumwa in southeast Iowa and says that she has built many connections within Iowa’s farming community through the ISA.

Swanson also serves on the American Soybean Association board and will continue in that role. She says she enjoys the policy work that takes place with the American Soybean Association board.

In addition to working on policy, Swanson says that connecting with farmers from other states is an exciting part of her role with the ASA.

That is Pat Swanson, District 9 Director with the Iowa Soybean Association and American Soybean Association board member.