Connecting with customers to deliver sustainable pork products

by | Jun 26, 2023 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Studies from within the pork industry have shown that customers value sustainable pork products and seek out those products in the marketplace, says Chris Hostetler the director of animal science with the National Pork Board.

Chris says that customers often purchase pork based on sustainability metrics surrounding the pork product they are buying. Hostetler says that the NPB is helping producers to generate those metrics.

Hostetler says that in order to improve pig livability the NPB has conducted studies that examine every aspect of a pig?s life cycle.

Hostetler thinks that feed efficiency is an area where all producers can improve the efficiency and sustainability of their operations.

The IARN spoke with NPB?s Chris Hostetler at the 2023 World Pork Expo in Des Moines.