Connecting with consumers to put more pork on the plate (Part 2)

by | May 23, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Among younger generations in the United States, fresh pork consumption is on the decline. What does that mean for the pork industry and how can the industry adapt to make pork the protein of choice for younger consumers?

Bill Even, CEO of the National Pork Board, says that the NPB is engaged in groundbreaking, scale research to learn more about what younger pork consumers expect from the pork industry. He says the industry needs to adapt to what the consumer prefers.

One of the ways in which younger consumers of pork differ from previous generations is that they view pork more as an ingredient rather than the center of the plate protein choice.

Brett Kaysen, vice president of producer and state engagement with the NPB, says that there is a lot of confidence in the research being completed by the pork checkoff. That confidence comes in the form of previous research in the field leading to tangible results for the pork industry.

He says the campaign to promote ground pork has led to obvious benefits for American producers.

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