Compromise Labeling Bill Finally on the Table

by | May 13, 2016 | HAT News Feed

Hoosier Ag Today by: Hoosier Ag Today

Ranking Democrat on the Senate Agriculture Committee, Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, has shared the language of her GMO labeling bill with committee chairman Pat Roberts, a Kansas Republican. Stabenow also says her staff has briefed groups on both sides of the debate regarding her proposal. Roberts said that he was reaching out to committee members to hear their concerns and that “any proposal must be vetted by members of Congress and stakeholders.” Roberts says the Stabenow proposal must garner more votes than his compromise bill that failed in the Senate. A spokesperson for Stabenow stated, “If the chairman and his caucus are serious about getting a bill finished before July first, it’s time they make it clear what they are willing to support.”

Industry groups say they have yet to see the full Stabenow proposal, but many noted the need for Congress to find a compromise before the Vermont Law takes effect in July.
Source: NAFB News Service

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