Cattle on feed report offers no clear answers on herd contraction

by | Jul 22, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Overall numbers of beef cattle in the United States remain historically low. The USDA published the latest Cattle on Feed report on Friday but the report did not clear up the future of the cattle herd.

The latest Cattle on Feed report from USDA shows that placements of cattle into feed lots last month was seven percent below July placements a year ago. However, at the same time

That is USDA livestock analyst Mike McConnell. You might think that feedlot inventories would be smaller, but McConnell says there are several reasons why they are not, and beef production remains stable.

McConnell says that producers have also been feeding cattle to produce heavier end weights.

He also provides the key numbers from this month’s report.

McConnell says that while the monthly Cattle on Feed reports can provide clues as to what will happen to the herd size in the future, July’s report provides no clear answers as to whether herd size contraction will continue.