The invasion of Ukraine began a month ago, and we are still seeing its effects on the markets. We are all hoping that the conflict can come to a peaceful end soon. Riley Smith talks with John Heinberg of Total Farm Marketing.
Closing Market Podcast 3-23-2022
GUEST: Jack Scoville, PRICE Futures Group
Opening Market Podcast – Jim McCormick AgMarket.Net 3-23-22
The markets are starting stronger this morning. Jim McCormick of AgMarket.Net talks about what is affecting the grain and cattle markets. He also discusses their estimates for the Upcoming Planting Intentions Report from USDA.
Closing Market Podcast 3-22-2022
GUEST: Jack Scoville, PRICE Futures Group
Midday Market Podcast- Bryan Doherty TFM- 3-22-22
Corn and wheat are mixed, and soybeans are up. With the continued volatility we're seeing, it's still a speculator's market. Riley Smith talks with Bryan Doherty of Total Farm Marketing.
Closing Market Podcast 3-21-2022
GUEST: Jack Scoville, PRICE Futures Group in Chicago
Opening Market Podcast – Greg McBride Allendale 3-21-22
The grains are continuing to see some strength to start the week. Greg McBride of Allendale visits with Dustin Hoffmann to look at the week to come.
Weekend Ag Matters- March 18th, 2022
In this week's episode of Weekend Ag Matters, Riley runs down the news headlines, Russ provides more faith-based food for thought, and Dustin and Brent share a couple of their interviews from the Commodity Classic.
Opening Market Podcast – Matt Bennett AgMarket.Net 3-18-22
Corn is starting to be planted in the southern regions of the United States, which means attention starts to turn towards us again. Matt Bennett of AgMarket.Net talks with Dustin Hoffmann about all the things affecting today's markets.