Row Crop Run 2019
?Plan A is nothing but a distant memory?
The reality of this spring is: ?Plan A is nothing but a distant memory.?Midwest farmers continue to adjust to Mother Nature?s plans.Abundant precipitation has provided few opportunities for spring fieldwork. Sam Ose farms near Williams, in Hamilton County. Ose says...
AUDIO: Profit Matters 5-29-19
Weather delays progress
A select group of farmers have chosen to participate in the Iowa Seed Corn Cover Crop Initiative. The project, founded in 2016, focuses on ways to increase cover crop adoption within the seed corn production system.I traveled to northeast Iowa on Friday to visit with...
AUDIO: Profit Matters 5-13-19
Expanding cover crop acres
The Iowa Seed Association, in conjunction with the Agribusiness Association of Iowa, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation and Iowa Corn Growers Association, work to increase cover crops with the seed corn cropping system. The farm organizations, in 2016, established the Iowa...
AUDIO: Profit Matters 5-6-19
Ag Network partners with Iowa Seed Association
The Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network is partnering with the Iowa Seed Association to offer insight into crop conditions, specifically grains seeded post-cover crops.The Iowa Seed Association (Iowa Seed), in conjunction with the Agribusiness Association of Iowa (AAI),...