Hop farming requires a substantial investment in capital, time and management. A business and marketing plan is essential to developing a successful hops operation. A new factsheet has been released by OSU Extension to outline the pre-planning points that should be...
Ohio Country Journal
SDS showing up in soybeans
I don?t think too many people in the state will deny that Ohio?s planting conditions were tough. We had a mix of saturated soils and cool temperatures. We have several soil borne pathogens that love these conditions, among them is sudden death syndrome, which is...
Bearish report for corn, soybeans, and wheat
Markets were shocked at both the higher than expected corn and soybean yields and production. Corn and soybeans fell quickly on the bearish news. Shortly after the report corn is down 10 cents, soybeans down 24 cents, and wheat is down 10 cents.Finally, report day!...
Could civil asset forfeiture be an issue in agriculture?
Civil asset forfeiture allows law enforcement to take property from citizens, regardless of whether the property owner is guilty or innocent ? and without even charging the owner with a crime. Let?s look at a case that was recently declined review by the Supreme Court...
Agri-Barrier a valuable Ohio-made farm product
Built and sustained with the hard work of rural west Ohio, Celina Industries is a unique company involved in nearly all facets of the custom textile business. One division of their diversified offerings is Agri-Barrier, a product that?s making a name for itself across...
Rust issues increasingly common in Ohio corn
Resembling rust on a pickup, a fungal disease that can afflict corn has been confirmed in a higher than usual number of cornfields in southern Ohio.Every year, some Ohio farmers find southern or common rust on their corn plants, but this year both diseases have been...
Composting tour Aug. 24
This year?s Composting in Ohio tour, featuring industry issues and innovative facilities, will center around Lake Erie.The Aug. 24 event is for anyone interested in commercial or large-scale composting, including business owners, compost facility staff, farmers,...
Minimize forage ash content
Forage ash content comes from both internal and external sources. Internal sources include minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and potassium found in the leaves and stems of forage plants. External sources include things like soil, bedding, and sand that are...
2017 Ohio State Fair Jr. Market Champions Reflection
The 2017 Ohio State Fair has come and gone. The memories gained by the numerous young people involved in this year?s fair will last a lifetime. We congratulate all the youth that worked hard to make it to the fair. In this video, we take one final chance to recognize...
Crops looking average with pockets of damage
It appears the market is just waiting for the updated USDA corn yield estimate on 8/10/17. Once published, the market will debate why it?s incorrect. Generally the market is trading corn based upon a national yield assumption of around 165-166. With a surprise below...