Ohio Country Journal

Ohio hurricane relief efforts

This is not a comprehensive list, but here are some options for those wanting to help those dealing with hurricane damage.CPS semi load from Mt. Gilead (Sept. 11)In response to the devastating floods in Texas, Crop Production Services in Edison and Mt. Sterling, along...

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Trapping sense

My most fragrant weekend ever occurred when I worked for the Columbus-based Sportsmen?s Alliance, at the time called the Wildlife Legislative Fund of America. The pro-trapping organization had me man an exhibit booth at the annual National Trappers Association...

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Which crop should you store?

Almost like clockwork this previous week, unpriced farmers sold most of their remaining grain stored at elevators that was still on DP. By some estimates the amount of corn sold could have been nearly 10% of the ?16 production. Unfortunately, this price slide in late...

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