Ohio Country Journal

Ohio Ag Net adds meteorologist

Ohio Ag Net Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin will be adding a new perspective for Ohio Ag Net, on both the radio and website sides.Martin will be reporting on Ohio weather important to agriculture each weekday. Reports can be heard on the Morning Farm Show, along with...

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Bringing home the bacon

It?s official: I am in the wedding season of my life. In the past five months, I?ve been to six weddings. I was talking to Bob, the dad at the August wedding. He asked if I was a wedding crasher or how I came to be invited. With the quick wit I don?t have, I explained...

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Fall herbicide applications

As populations of herbicide resistant weeds continue to grow, sound management practices are more critical than ever to keep these weeds under control. Fall herbicide applications are good tool for controlling existing weeds after harvest, which will provide a weed...

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