Ohio Country Journal

How sturdy are your corn stalks?

Even though many of the soybeans across Ohio have been harvested and progress continues on the corn, the later the harvest season gets the more stalk quality is becoming an issue. Brodbeck Seeds Regional Agronomist Terry Jones visits with the Ohio Ag Net?s Ty Higgins...

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Malting barley acres on the rise

The number of acres planted to malting barley in Ohio this fall is at an all-time high and will likely continue to increase over the next few years. Although barley is not new to Ohio, raising it for malt is new to us and considerably different from raising it for...

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The Xenia Effect in corn

The Xenia Effect in corn

The Xenia Effect refers to the effect of foreign pollen on kernel characteristics. Cross-pollinationXenia Effectoccurs in corn because it is a monecious, which means that it has both male (the tassel) and female (the ear) flowers on a single plant.The Xenia effect...

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