Ken’s Commentaries

Finding our Place

by Ken RootI?ve lived in many physical locations in my life and now, in my seventh decade on this earth, I wonder how much of who we are is based on our relationship with place. I think of place as the physical, emotional and spiritual coordinates that define our...

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They Are Selling the Horses

by Ken RootThe first time I saw my mother cry, I was so young that only snippets remain in my brain. She was standing by the window with a dish towel in her hands and looking out into the yard. ?They are selling the horses,? she said as I climbed onto a chair and...

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Wild Pets

by Ken Root Every spring Mother Nature bursts forth with new life. It is my favorite season as winter cold yields to a stronger sun and vibrant green replaces dingy brown. The animal kingdom awakens too and the prime instinct of every species is to reproduce....

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Reason in the Age of Rhetoric

by Ken RootLast week the most comprehensive report, to date, was released on genetically modified crops from the perspective of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. The report is over four hundred pages in length from a team of twenty...

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Going Home

by Ken RootLast weekend, I went home to Luther, Oklahoma, to attend an all school reunion on the forty-ninth anniversary of my graduation in 1967. I spent the first eighteen years of my life on the family farm a couple of miles outside this little town. The community...

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Sow The Wind

by Ken RootDo you remember ?Blue Dog Democrats?? At one time there were about sixty conservatives from that party who proudly belonged to a loosely formed caucus by that name. Now, there is just one: Colin Peterson, from Minnesota. He isn?t anyone?s favorite person as...

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