Ken’s Commentaries

The Neighbor

by Ken Root (In Memory of Emil Vorel)I?ve always known him. His family was well established when my parents moved to the farm across the road to the east in the mid 1940?s. His parents were well worn from the depression of the 1930?s. They were frugal and had managed...

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Good People ? Interesting Places

By Ken RootThis fall I had the opportunity to travel to St. George, Utah to speak to the Utah Association of Conservation Districts. There was a High Plains Journal Connection. Bob Barry is president of the UACD. He hails from the four corners region which sits about...

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The People Speak

by Ken RootI was fooled by the rhetoric and assumed Hillary Clinton would handily win the electoral votes to become President of the United States. I was wrong. My reaction is realization that committed voters make more difference than vocal influence groups. It also...

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How to Lose at Monopoly

By Ken RootI want to propose a way to make businesses more competitive. I want to have more workers in private industry and less on the government payroll. I want start-up businesses encouraged but I want companies to have a steeper hill to climb as they grow large...

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Earthquake: Man made or God made

by Ken RootLast weekend?s earthquakes in Oklahoma startled a lot of people in the state and the surrounding region that felt the 5.6 tremor on Saturday morning and aftershocks later in the day. Deep earth events, either seismic or volcanic, are the least predictable...

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