Lucas Lentsch is the new CEO of Midwest Dairy Association. He spoke to Ben Nuelle Tuesday at the Dairy Iowa conference in Waverly. AIRED:
Larry Shover- President-Iowa State Dairy Association
Larry Shover is president of Iowa State Dairy Association. He spoke to Ben Nuelle about milk prices, farm economy, and other issues Tuesday at the 5th annual Dairy Iowa meeting in Waverly. AIRED: Money Matters 6-16-16
Richard Wilkins of ASA talks Importance of Trans-Pacific Partnership on Soybean Farmers
Richard Wilkins with the American Soybean Association at the Washington Watch 2016 shares Trans-Pacific Partnership's importance to soybean farmers.
Michael Formica with National Pork Producers Council on WOTUS
Michael Formica, with the National Pork Producers Council in Washington D.C tells about how the Wotus Rule will effect pork farmers.
Kent Baucus of NCBA talks TPP
Kent Baucus, director of International Trade for the National Cattleman's Beef Association shares how important Trans- Pacific Partnership is for the National Carttlemen's Beef Association.
Kathy Mathers of TFI talks economic impacts of fertilizer industry
Kathy Mathers, Vice President of Public Affairs at the Fertilizer Institute, in Washington D.C. talks at the Washington Watch 2016. She discusses the economic impact of the fertilizer industry.
Chandler Goule of National Farmers Union
Chandler Goule, Senior VP of the National Farmers Union explains what the National Farmers Union is at the Washington Watch 2016.He also shares about the 2018 Farm Bill survey on their website.
Genvieve O’ Sullivan of Crop Life America talks Ag Loud, Ag Proud
Genvieve O'Sullivan from Crop Life America at the 2016 Washington Watch gives perspective on the "Ag Loud, Ag Proud" social media campaign.
Agriculture risk coverage payment programs
John Whitaker, Iowa State Executive Director of USDA's Farm Service Agency talks about what he does, and what agriculture risk coverage payment programs are. AIRED: Money Matters 5-5-16
USDA Rural Development Rural Business Cooperative Service Administrator comes to Des Moines
Bill Menner State Director of USDA Rural Development in Iowa explains why Scot Rikkers, USDA Rural Development Rural Business Cooperative Service Administrator is in Des Moines. AIRED: Money Matters 5-6-16