HAT News Feed

McKinney Picked for USDA Post

McKinney Picked for USDA Post

His name has been on the short list from the opening days of the Trump administration, but, late Tuesday evening, Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced that Ted McKinney has been selected as the new Undersecretary for Trade and Foreign Agriculture Affairs....

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The Future of Weed Resistance

The Future of Weed ResistanceAaron Hager ? professor of weed science, with glyphosate-resistant water hemp in a soybean field.This is field day time, a chance for companies to show off their products and new technology in the field. New ways of controlling resistant...

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China Approves More GMO Crops

China Approves More GMO Crops

China?s Ministry of Agriculture announced it has approved two more genetically modified crops for import into the country. A Reuters article says it?s the second move in the past month to expand access to biotech seeds as a part of Beijing?s 100-day trade talks with...

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Commentary: Beware of False Syllogisms

Commentary: Beware of False Syllogisms

A syllogism is when two statements are put together to prove a conclusion. A faulty syllogism is when two statements are used to prove a point that is simply not true. For example, a syllogism would be: Birds can fly; a robin is a bird; thus a robin can fly. A faulty...

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