Carbon capture projects can potentially boost rural communities

by | Oct 18, 2023 | 5 Ag Stories, News

With the USDA’s 2023 Farm Sector Income Forecast predicting that farm income is going to decrease in 2023, farming communities are looking for ways to boost their economies and maintain higher income levels. Carbon capture technology could help in this by creating jobs, attracting investments, diversifying markets, and increasing the value of ag commodities like corn and ethanol. However, as shown by the recent carbon pipeline permit denials in North and South Dakota, that opportunity window may be closing. Joe Heinrich, executive director of the Smart Carbon Network, said the emotions in these carbon discussions can often draw the focus away from what’s most important: making an effort to take advantage of carbon capture opportunities.

Carbon is a byproduct of biofuel production in particular, and that’s an unavoidable truth. Heinrich said that’s why it’s so important for states to invest in carbon capture technology- because if they don’t, someone else will.

Plus, Heinrich said that research is being done to find more and more uses for carbon capture.

Heinrich also explained what carbon transportation might look like if these pipelines aren’t approved.

Heinrich added that they are always doing whatever they can to encourage and facilitate productive conversations on carbon capture.

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