We got anywhere from 2 to 2.5 inches and they got 4 inches just south of us.
We ran about 400 acres of beans. We ran all of the beans that were ready. Then we switched over and ran corn on Saturday for a day and then it rained.
The lows in the corn were around 170 and the highest has been 230 on the yield monitor. So far I think it is around 180 or 190 on the corn but we just got started.
The beans have been between 58 and 65 bushels, and the 58-bushel yield was second-year beans.
There are a lot of tiny beans that have shriveled up to nothing. We haven?t seen any green stems, but there were a lot of green leaves left before this last rain on the beans we haven?t harvested yet.
It is still raining now off and on. It is supposed to not rain tomorrow and rain again Wednesday and there is another chance on Thursday.
We don?t have anything that has broken yet so we don?t have anything to fix yet with this rain delay. The only think that?s broke is an auger and we are going to see about augers this morning.