Since President Biden took office, there has been a lot of talk on environmental issues and agriculture is looking at the roles they can play to help them do good by mother nature. One of the ways that have long been a benefit is the use of biofuels. While the President has pushed for the electrification of the Federal vehicle fleet, biofuels are making the case that they are also very good at curbing those dreaded carbon emissions.
A recent study released by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) shows that biofuels have reduced carbon emissions by 980 million metric tonnes from 2008 through 2020. RFA?s Geoff Cooper says that this is because the Renewable Fuel Standard went above and beyond expectations.
The study shows that corn ethanol and soybean biodiesel has had larger reductions in greenhouse gasses than the Environmental Protection Agency predicted, while the emissions from regular gas and diesel were higher than anticipated. Cooper says this is evidence that biofuels need to play a part in the future of clean energy discussions.
The biofuels industry is excited to work with the Biden Administration and be a part of reaching its environmental goals.