We are racing against the clock and the rain. We are done with all of the first crop beans. We have about 100 acres of double-crop beans behind hay and wheat to cut, but I?m not too concerned about those. We switched over last evening to corn after we got done baling up corn fodder and bean stubble. We are on our way back to the field to shell corn now for a few hours until we get rained out.
For beans, we thought we were going to have a better crop than we did. We just didn?t get the moisture we needed in August or September. Most of them were planted in mid- to late-May and into June and they just didn?t get those late summer rains they needed. When you go dry for six or seven weeks you can?t expect too much.
These were also some of the driest beans we have ever run. We almost didn?t want to run them during the day because they were under 10% moisture. We were fairly consistent on the beans. We had a farm that ran 65 and a farm that went 35 and everything else was in between and averaged out around the 45- or 50-bushel mark.
The beans were deceiving in a bad way but the corn has been deceiving in a good way. The corn has been as good as the beans were bad. We have only run around 100 acres of corn and the first stuff we planted is doing very well, especially considering this spring it sat in cold, wet soil for 10 or 12 days. We didn?t have the heat units at first, but we did get plenty of rain.
We still have some corn with green on it. It will be 24%or 25% moisture. The corn we are running today was planted April 28 and it is around 17.5%. I am pleased with how the corn has turned out so far and I hope it continues. We planted the corn in thirds this spring based on how the rains came and I am interested to see how that works out yield wise this fall.
We do have some stalk rot. We have seen some corn falling over and we want to get as much of this off before the storm comes as we can. So far so good. If everything went as planned it wouldn?t be a normal fall harvest.
There are some guys done and putting their equipment away and some have a long way to go.