Beef and Forage Field Night Aug. 24

by | Aug 16, 2017 | Ohio Country Journal

Beef and forage enthusiasts alike are invited to attend the upcoming 2017 Beef and Forage Field Night scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 24, from 5-8:30 P.M. This event will be held at the Jackson Agricultural Research Station of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), 019 Standpipe Rd. Jackson, OH 45640.

The agenda for the program is as follows:

Tour Stop #1: Adding Value to Calves to Enhance Marketing Opportunities
* This stop will discuss management practices covering health, nutrition, animal identification and documentation, and other topics that can add value to calves on sale day.
* Featured speakers will include representatives from some of the leading feeder calf markets in Ohio.

Tour Stop #2: Managing the Reproductive Calendar
* Reproductive performance of the breeding herd has the single largest impact over any other production trait on the potential profitability of any cow-calf operation.
* Featured speakers and topics:
? Dr. Justin Kieffer, The Ohio State University Animal Science Department: Importance of Pregnancy Diagnosis
? Jess Bowen, Extension Educator, ANR, OSU Extension ? Vinton County: The Cost of an Open Cow
? Jeff Moore, Extension Educator, ANR, OSU Extension ? Gallia County: Developing an Annual Reproduction Plan

Tour Stop #3: Successful Forage Seedings and Inter-Seedings
* Productive forage stands in hay or pasture situations are a key component of a successful nutrition program for the beef herd. This stop will discuss processes such as seeding methods, planting dates, fertility, varieties, etc. to increase the probability for success in a forage production enterprise.
* Featured speakers and topics:
? Dr. Jimmy Henning, Forage Specialist, University of Kentucky Plant & Soil Sciences: Making Successful Long-Term Hay and Pasture Seedings
? Scott Payne, Manager, Jackson Agricultural Research Station, OARDC: Inter-Seeding Forages to Improve Stands

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. $10 per person. Registration deadline is August 21. Includes dinner. Registration and dinner begin at 5 p.m. Program begins promptly at 6 p.m. Make checks payable to Ohio State University/OARDC. Complete the registration form linked here and mail it and your check to Scott Payne, 019 Standpipe Road, Jackson, OH 45640. For more information, contact Scott Payne at (740) 286-3803 or .

This event is sponsored by OARDC and OSU Extension along with support from Armstrong Ag and Supply, Circle M Farms Feed and Supply, Jackson Ag Service, Jackson ? Vinton Farm Bureau, and Bridgeport Equipment.