Bayer?s Delaro fungicide shows yield advantage

by | Oct 2, 2020 | 5 Ag Stories, News

For any growers looking for yield boosts, Bayer?s Delaro fungicide products may be an option.

Bayer fungicide product manager Ray Lello says Delaro has a broader spectrum of disease control and best-in-class, dual mode of action residual. The product improves plant health, which gives farmers? top-performing hybrids and varieties the protection they need to achieve better yields.

?When we look at corn, the average yields we?ve seen over the last few years ? we don?t have the 2020 data yet ? but the last few years has been around 14 or 15 bushels over the untreated,? Lello said. ?With soybeans, it?s about four or five. Really exciting yield improvements that we?ve seen dating all the way back to 2018.?

Delaro is effective against gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, anthracnose, southern rust, frogeye leaf spot, brown spot, aerial blight, and white mold. Lello says the next generation fungicide is Delaro Complete.

?We have received federal approval, EPA approval, for our next generation fungicide Delaro Complete,? Lello said. ?Delaro Complete builds on the backbone that we have with Delaro and adds a third mode of action to improve that consistency and performance that we?ve seen from Delaro, but also help to increase its activity on key diseases in corn and soybeans in Iowa like gray leaf spot. And, like we see in northern Iowa with soybeans with white mold.?

Lello says farmers can always get more information on Delaro products by contacting their local retailers.

?There?s going to be a lot of new stuff come out for Delaro Complete in the next few weeks as we seek state regulatory approvals,? Lello said. ?For the meantime, the best way to go online and get it is at

Listen to Ray Lello’s full interview below.