New research from the American Feed Industry Association shows the industry drives economic growth across the national and local economies. The organization’s economic contribution study estimates that in 2023, the total animal food industry, including indirect and induced effects, will generate $267.1 billion in sales. The industry will employ roughly 760,000 full- and part-time and contract employees, paying out $55 billion in salaries and employee benefits before year-end. At the local, state and national levels, the industry will file $18.5 billion in taxes in 2023. The 83-page report showed that the top five states for feed and pet food sales this year will be California, with an estimated $19.5 billion, Missouri at $18.6 billion, Texas at $17.1 billion, Iowa at $16.5 billion, and Kansas at $16.2 billion. The states with the most feed mills included Texas, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Missouri employs the most animal food manufacturing employees with over 54,350, followed by California, Texas, Iowa and Pennsylvania.