Anhydrous Regulations Delayed

by | Dec 21, 2015 | HAT News Feed

Hoosier Ag Today by: Gary Truitt

Anhydrous tankThe massive spending bill passed last week by Congress includes a delay in new anhydrous regulations. DTN reports that buried in the omnibus appropriations bill is a rider that forbids the Occupation Safety and Health Agency from requiring ag retailers to comply with Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals regulations. That gives agriculture retailers a reprieve on requirements that would make retail operations that sell anhydrous ammonia fertilizers to have the same level of safety rules and facility securities as chemical manufacturers.

DTN reported earlier this year that while OSHA estimated the costs of facility safety renovations at $2,160 per site, the Ag Retailers Association estimated it would cost an average of $20,000 per site. Some retailers said costs would be more than $60,000 to comply and that they would stop selling anhydrous if the regulation exemption was removed.

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