AGRILAND FS makes upgrades to crop protection facilities

by | Mar 21, 2025 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Between crop maturity and the strict rules and regulations governing the application of crop protection products, farmers face a narrow window of operation. They need reliable support and resources to keep moving efficiently during this critical time. That’s why AGRILAND FS has invested in upgrades to nine of their crop protection facilities, ensuring farmers have access to the products and services they need when timing matters most.


Steve Gorder, AGRILAND FS’s agronomy manager, explains that these upgrades were essential to meeting the growing demands of their customers while maximizing efficiency during peak seasons. He emphasizes that investing in these facilities allows AGRILAND FS to provide faster, more reliable service when timing is critical.

That service and support go well beyond just having the products on hand. It also includes mixing both for custom applications and for your tender trucks to get everything mixed precisely and eliminate time spent mixing in the field.

Several facilities have been upgraded, and more are coming online this spring.

To learn more about the upgrades at AGRILAND FS, visit their website, or stop by your local AGRILAND FS location.