Ag Bio act will keep U.S. Biobased production at home

by | Aug 7, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

The Plant-Based Products Council and its supporters in Congress are hopeful that legislation aimed at expanding the agricultural bioeconomy will significantly impact the upcoming Farm Bill.

The proposed Ag BIO Act seeks to increase the manufacturing of plant-based alternatives to traditional consumer goods within the United States. According to James Glueck, the Executive Director of PBPC, discussions surrounding this legislation have occurred as lawmakers strive to progress the Farm Bill.

Zach Nunn, a Republican from Iowa, and Nikki Budzinski, a Democrat from Illinois, are spearheading the bill in the House. They both serve on the House Ag Committee and are prioritizing the development of bioeconomy infrastructure in the Farm Bill.

This funding can be utilized in various ways to enhance the ag bioeconomy.

According to Glueck, the passage of the Ag BIO Act would greatly benefit U.S. agriculture.

In the Senate, there is a companion bill introduced by Amy Klobuchar, a Democrat from Minnesota, and Jerry Moran, a Republican from Kansas. Currently, there are eight lawmakers supporting these bipartisan bills in both the House and the Senate.