A new way to buy seed, tailored to your operation

by | Jan 16, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Just because something has been done the same way for a long time doesn’t necessarily mean it is the best way to perform that task. Sometimes an overhaul is needed and a new way of thinking or looking at a problem can deliver improved results.

Christy Schrader is a GHX marketing manager with Syngenta and she says that the GHX platform was designed to allow farmers to buy seed in a new way. By making sure that farmers can make the most informed decision possible and purchase seed that specifically conforms to their operation.

To make the best seed selection, Schrader says growers need to have as much information available as possible.

What led to the creation of GHX, was it farmers looking for a new way to buy seed or the industry adapting to sell seed in a different way?

To optimize yield potential, Schrader says the goal of GHX is to align a grower with the right seed for their operation.

Schrader says that farmer feedback has been very positive regarding GHX as more growers discover the platform. To learn more visit www.ghxseeds.com.