John Deere’s See and Spray hits milestone

by | Sep 18, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

It was only a few years ago when we got to see John Deere’s See and Spray Technology on display at the facility near Bondurant. The technology has changed the game in how farmers can attack weeds and cuts down on the input costs for the products needed to protect our crops.

In this short time, John Deere is excited to announce that See and Spray has hit some milestones. Josh Ladd is the Product Manager for Application at John Deere, and he talks about what the company is doing with the technology.

The big milestone comes in the savings farmers are enjoying. Ladd explains more about what this means.

Ladd says that the feedback from farmers has been excellent. Producers are seeing the savings right away.

John Deere feels that the sky is the limit for See and Spray’s potential. Ladd says that he’s very excited for the future.

Learn more about See and Spray by visiting your local John Deere dealer.