Highlighting the ways in which agriculture connects everyone in Iowa

by | Aug 12, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

The Iowa Food and Family Project is located just inside the south doors of the Varied Industries Building at the Iowa State Fair. The project brings together all fairgoers, from producers to consumers, to learn more about the ways in which agriculture connects everyone in the state.

Aaron Putze is the Chief Officer, Brand Management and Engagement for the Iowa Soybean Association and he says that the Iowa Food and Family Project at the Iowa State Fair is an interactive learning space.

Families can learn about all aspects of Iowa agriculture at the display while also having fun.

Putze says that the Iowa State Fair is a great place for ag and commodity groups to interact with the public and have earnest conversations about important issues.

The Iowa Food and Family Project is funded by the soybean, pork, beef, egg, corn, turkey and dairy checkoffs, as well as non-checkoff resources.