Lawmakers won’t compromise despite outcry for new farm bill

by | Aug 7, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

The huge outcry for a new farm bill from hundreds of Ag stakeholder groups last month seems to have prompted little movement from either side in Congress. That’s not a surprise to United States Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

Over 500 Ag-related groups led by the American Farm Bureau wrote Congressional leaders last month urgently calling for a new farm bill. Nothing happened. Longtime Senator Chuck Grassley says he isn’t surprised.

Grassley expands on the current political environment.

Democrats argue that food program money was never used to fund farm bill price supports and shouldn’t be funding them now. However, some farm groups say that the political standoff could cost consumers more at the grocery store next year if farm production falls short.

Grassley says the key is production.

He says that’s provided retailers pass along those savings, something the Federal Trade Commission is now looking into.