Chasing After the Blue Frisbee

by | Apr 24, 2017 | Whitney's Witness

Monday April 24, 2017

I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. -Psalm 119:15


We took our dogs to the local park the other night.

While we were there we happened to stumble upon a blue frisbee that someone had left.

My husband threw it, and our yellow lab Nala took off after it.

She loved sprinting after the blue frisbee, but after about three times she got distracted with trees, trash, and all kinds of smells the park had to offer.

As I stood back and laughed at Nala’s ridiculous attention span, I saw myself.

There is a beautiful blue frisbee for me to be following after, but most days I’m caught by the smell of others and garbage in my life.

We so often loose focus of Christ because we get so consumed with what’s going on around us.

We take our eyes off of what should be our main focused, and get tied up with things are completely insignificant.

Today, lay all distractions aside. Chase after the God who should always have your undivided attention and devotion.

Prayer: “God, forgive me for the times I loose sight of you because of the things around me. Help me to focus on you and only you.”

-Whitney Flach