Ryan Martin?s Indiana Ag Forecast for August 14, 2017

by | Aug 14, 2017 | HAT News Feed

We kick off a new week the same way we ended the weekend?with dry, sunny, warm air in place. We will continue to see this pattern through Wednesday morning. Over the next 10 days we have 1 system moving through, with 2 systems in the next 16 days.

Dry today through Wednesday morning. Our next front shows up Wednesday midday and then takes all the way through Thursday to move through the state. We expect rain totals to be .25?-1.25? with coverage at 80% of the state. Action starts over far western Indiana Wednesday early afternoon, and then spreads east. To reach the upper end of the range, it will take some stronger thunderstorm development. The map above shows rain totals through Friday morning, and we think the 1.5?-2? rain totals are just a bit overdone!

We should return to drier weather Friday, and that dry pattern holds through early the 23rd. Temps will be cool to start immediately behind the cold front this Friday, but will slowly build upward through next week. Sunshine will dominate, although this Friday will be a transition day.

In the extended period we start things off with a cold front for late the 23rd into the 24th that can bring up to half an inch of rain over about 80% of the state. Then the rest of the 11-16 day period will return to sunshine with an upper level high pressure dome still sitting over the southern part of Ontario.

Overall, this pattern is pretty boring, but should have just enough rain to keep us from complaining too loudly. That being said, we have dried the state out dramatically over the past 2 weeks, and find soybean really needing a rain. All eyes will be on this system Wednesday-Thursday to make sure it does not disappoint us.