Inflation has been the dominant issue for most households in the U.S. lately. While we teeter on the edge of a recession, each family finds that they have less and less spending money. This is especially evident in rural areas, where families and small businesses are taking it on the chin. Iowa 1st District Congresswoman Ashley Hinson said inflation is the number one issue she sees in her area, and it affects people in a variety of ways.
The biggest cost for most families recently has been fuel. However, we know that we in the agriculture industry have a solution in the form of biofuels. Unfortunately, the disconnect between agriculture and consumers has led to an ag literacy issue, so it can be tough to get support. Hinson talked about how the Biofuels Caucus is working to get biofuel legislation passed and increase agricultural literacy.
There are many proposed solutions to the fuel problem, but if it?s not available and affordable, then it?ll never work. That?s why biofuels offer a realistic solution. Hinson said that Iowa ethanol producers are ready to start kicking up ethanol production and help alleviate some of the pressure from gas prices.
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