NPB and Pork Checkoff excited for World Pork Expo

by | May 28, 2021 | 5 Ag Stories, News

The National Pork Board is excited to speak with pork producers at the World Pork Expo in Des Moines June 10-12.

Angie Krieger, vice president of marketing with the National Pork Board, says the Pork Checkoff tent welcomes all producers and will be a great place to see what your Pork Checkoff is working on.

?Real Pork is the brand that we launched in the last year,? said Krieger. ?It?s a trusted image brand, and the purpose of Real Pork is to differentiate us from the alternatives. We want to drive growth for our pork producers by celebrating everything that?s authentic about pork, and so that?s what we?ll be doing in the tent.?

According to Krieger, at the Pork Checkoff tent is a great opportunity to sample new products and spend time talking with other pork producers. Krieger says the Pork Checkoff tent will provide lunch and happy hours both Wednesday and Thursday during World Pork Expo. Krieger explained Wednesday will be a chance to enjoy ground pork products with creative recipes from across the country.

?Wednesday, from 3 to 5 pm., we?re calling it our ?Beyond the Burger Happy Hour,? and we?re going to celebrate ground pork. We know that during the pandemic, sales of ground pork skyrocketed. Producers are going to get a chance to see how consumers are enjoying ground pork.?

More information on Pork Checkoff activities at World Pork Expo can be found at