By Emily Unglesbee
DTN Staff Reporter
ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) — Like sharks smelling blood in the water, lawyers are rushing to capitalize on the landmark dicamba injury case Bader Farms recently won against Bayer and BASF in Missouri.
One law firm, Peiffer, Wolf, Carr & Kane, held a conference call Wednesday to help drum up awareness of the legal avenues available to farmers who have been injured by off-target dicamba drift since 2016.
Joseph Peiffer, managing partner of the firm, told reporters that he believes more than 2,000 farmers could file new cases against Bayer (formerly Monsanto) and BASF, which manufacture XtendiMax and Engenia, respectively, the two most common dicamba herbicides labeled for use on dicamba-tolerant Xtend crops.
Peiffer based that number off the more than 5,000 complaints that have been filed with federal and state regulators between 2016 and 2019 over alleged dicamba injury, as well as increased calls to the law firm since the Bader case wrapped up last week in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.