Ohio youth encouraged to apply for citizenship educational experience

by | Oct 24, 2017 | Ohio Country Journal

The Ohio Youth Capital Challenge program provides teens a hands-on experience that encourages citizenship and community service. The annual program is a collaboration among Ohio FFA, Ohio State University Extension and Ohio Farm Bureau to support members of Ohio?s 4-H and FFA programs. Up to 40 youth will be selected.

The program provides civic education including how public policy is made and how individuals and groups can impact it. Participants will create a network of contacts from throughout the state and build their personal resum?s.

Participants will travel to Columbus March 26 and 27 to learn about government processes and interact with state legislators. They will be trained in engaging with lawmakers and in building teams. Independent team work follows, then a second event will take place May 19 where teams will present their ideas for community improvement projects. Finalists will be chosen to compete at the 2018 Ohio State Fair on July 27.

Applicants must be in at least the ninth grade and be between the ages of 14 and 18 during the current school year. Selected students will pay a fee of $30. Delegates must be nominated by Dec. 1, 2017 and applications must be submitted by Jan. 12, 2018.

More information and required forms are at http://ohioffa.org/ohio-youth-capital-challenge/.