Ohio Hereford Futurity highlights of Hereford weekend

by | Oct 10, 2017 | Ohio Country Journal

Saturday Sept. 30 Rick VanFleet and his family graciously hosted a Hereford field day at their family farm in Pleasant City, Ohio. This was the start of the Hereford weekend co-sponsored by the Buckeye Hereford Association and the Switzerland of Ohio Polled Hereford Association. The Van Fleets were gracious hosts and had a great program for all those in attendance. As guests arrived they were welcome to tour pastures and participate in a Hereford cattle judging contest. Christine Gelley, OSU Ag Extention Specialist for Noble County led the group on a pasture walk and gave an informative talk on pasture fertility, pasture management, weed control and stocking rates. Next on the Agenda Dr. Steven Boyles, OSU Animal Nutritionist shared his always entertaining and educational perspective on cowherd management. Everyone was then treated to a tasty Certified Hereford Beef Brisket sit down meal with all the trimmings. At the conclusion of the day the judging contest winners were announced and prizes were given to the top adults and all the kids in attendance. Great cattle, food and fellowship were enjoyed by all who attended this event.

On Sunday Hereford breeders from across Ohio gathered at the Guernsey Co. Fairgrounds in Old Washington, Ohio. The Buckeye Hereford Association hosted the annual event which showcases Ohio bred seedstock. Judge Scott Brown of Quaker City, Ohio evaluated 55 head of the finest Hereford stock from across the state. Prior to the show a complimentary meal was provided for the breeders and spectators by the Switzerland of Ohio Polled Hereford Association.

2017 Ohio Hereford Futurity Champions

Grand Champion Bull UHF 10Y Home Boy U26D ET, December 2016 bull sired by NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET, bred by Creek Bottom Farm, Navarre, OH and owned by Ralph E. Ullman & SonGraysville, Ohio

Reserve Champion Bull: NS HF Director 611, December 2016 bull sired by R Leader 6964 bred and owned by Bryce and Cole Hines, Bidwell, Ohio.

Grand Champion Female, a September 2015 heifer sired NS 4R Rachael 512by MSU TCF Revolution 4R, bred by Allie Steiner, Mason, Ohio and owned by Bryce and Cole Hines, Bidwell, Ohio.

Reserve Champion Female DDF Dixie, a May 2016 heifer sired by NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET,

bred & owned by Diamond D Herefords, Kimbolton, Ohio

Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair: Creek 4R Libby 201Z, sired by MSU TCF Revolution 4R, with an April heifer calf by NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET. Pair bred and owned by Creek Bottom Farm, Navarre, Ohio.

Reserve Champion Cow/Calf Pair: HH Jamie 491, sired by NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET with a March heifer calf by PKWMS Jamie Jo Outback 7491. Cow bred by Emily Beanblossom, Bradford, Ohio and owned by Kyndall Williams, Mt. Gilead, Ohio

Grand Champion Prospect Steer: Hamony Hill Blaze, an April steer sired by GRF World Wide 3024, bred and owned by Harmony Hill Herefords, Newcomerstown, Ohio.

Reserve Champion Prospect Steer: Creek Rambo, a January steer sired by NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET, bred and owned by Creek Bottom Farm, Navarre, Ohio.

Champion Expo Class : LBK W89 Trixie 9A, an April 2013 cow sired by Glenview 5052 Choice Domino W89ET,

bred by Brian & Lisa Keets, Berlin Heights, Ohio and owned by Olivia Shaulis, Ravenna, Ohio

Champion Junior & Senior Get of Sire ? Harmony Hill Herefords, Newcomerstown, Ohio with groups sired by GRF World Wide 3024 ET.

Best 6 head, Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor: Creek Bottom Farm, The Johnson Family, Navarre, Ohio.

For more information about the Buckeye Hereford Association please contact the secretary, Lisa Keets, at 440-320-6193 or check out the website www.buckeyeherefords.com .