State Fair attendance dips

by | Aug 9, 2017 | Ohio Country Journal

The 2017 Ohio State Fair concluded its 12-day run on Sunday, Aug. 6 with an estimated 801,031 attendees entering the gates between July 26 and August 6. This count reflects a 13% decrease since 2016, when a total of 921,214 visitors attended the Fair.

?The last several years have seen attendance figures grow almost annually, but total attendance does fluctuate from year to year based on a number of factors,? said Virgil Strickler, General Manager. ?This year, of course, was not a normal Fair year. Opening Day?s tragic ride accident, which closed the Midway for several days, coupled with a few days of cool, rainy weather, certainly contributed to the dip in attendance. Nevertheless, we thank the hundreds of thousands of devoted fairgoers who supported this great end-of-summer tradition.?