Junior Market Barrow Breed Sale of Champions

by | Aug 6, 2017 | Ohio Country Journal

The Champion Berkshire exhibited by Ava Genter of Archbold sold to Buckeye Barrow Boosters, D.A. Smith Auctioneer,  Kremer Yorkshires, and Bodey Insurance for $3,400.
The Champion Chester White exhibited by Lillian Rees of Bidwell sold to Buckeye Barrow Boosters, Dean’s Pawn, Foster Sales, Ohio Valley Pig Sale, Ryan Smith State Rep. for $4,300.
The Champion Duroc exhibited by Coby Hughes of Sabina sold to Buckeye Barrow Boosters, Fayette County Pork Producers, and Huffman’s Market for $4,500.
The Champion Hampshire exhibited by Mason Creager of Wauseon sold to Buckeye Barrow Boosters and United Producers for $1,400.
Reserve champion exhibitors: Berkshire, Aaron Rolfe, Sabina; Chester White, Alexa Hawk, Harrod; Duroc, Gracee Beth Stewart, Sabina; Hampshire, Austin Hunker, Bellevue; Hereford, Jennifer Bittner, Hamilton; Landrace, Madelyn Harrison, Hamilton; Poland China, Ethan Wendt, Dublin; Spotted, Kaci Way, West Salem; Tamworth, Ashton Frey, Upper Sandusky; Yorkshire, Madison Petro, Gallipolis; Dark Crossbred, Mason Creager, Wauseon; Light Crossbred, Lea Kimley, South Charleston.
The Champion Poland China exhibited by Treanna Lavy of Pleasant Hill sold to Buckeye Barrow Boosters, Miami Valley Feed and Grain, Sunrise Co-op and Tri-Ag products for $2,050.
The Champion Landrace exhibited by Peyton Bumgardner of South Vienna sold to Buckeye Barrow Boosters, Sunrise Co-op, Lensman Showpigs, Woodruff Feed and Fence and United Producers for $1,700.
The Champion Hereford exhibited by Cameron Shellhouse of Sycamore sold to Buckeye Barrow Boosters and United Producers for $1,300.
The Champion Spot exhibited by Lindsey Dore of Galena sold to Buckeye Barrow Boosters and John Regula, Auctioneer for $1,700.
The Champion Tamworth exhibited by Liam Shellhouse of Sycamore sold to Buckeye Barrow Boosters and United Producers for $1,150.
The Champion Yorkshire exhibited by Levi Stauffer of Mt. Blanchard sold to Buckeye Barrow Boosters and Huffman’s Market for $3,500.

The Buckeye Barrow Boosters also supported each exhibitor in the sale. They include: Ward Family Genetics, Jim Yeazel and Family, Ohio Hamp/York Crossbred Sale, Ohio State Fair Youth Gilt Sale, Korb Farms, Inc., Ohio Pork Schop, Kremer Yorkshires, Kimley Show Pigs, Ohio?s Country Journal/Ohio Ag Net, Moyer?s Genetic Edge, Rick Fogle, North Central Pig Sale, Isla Grande Farms, Bates Show Pigs, Mark Butterfield Family, Waits Family, Scott Evans Family, Michael Carson Family, Thompson Show Feed, Bryan Vaughan Family, 3N Livestock, Robert Keener Family, Roger Zeedyk Family, Wendt Livestock, and Nate Warner Livestock, Kaffenbarger Farms, Tony Nye Family, Ohio Spot Association, John Regula Auctioneer, Bob Foster Family, Fender Club Pigs, Fearon Family, Knecht Family, Dore Family, Kerby Wilcox Family, Jim Worley Family, Nathan Frey Family, Jason Adams Family, Scholl Family Ron Riley Family, Kevin Hancock Family, Chris Scott Family, Creager Family Farm, Kirk Swenson Family.