It rained every day last week. We?re not getting a huge amount, just a little here and there. It?s supposed to hold off until Thursday now. We got an inch total all last week.
We?ve got some corn that is still not completely tasseled yet, but the corn around home is all tasseled and shooting ears. The ears look great. The beans are finally taking off and growing and we are happy about that right now. We finally got some heat and the pushed them to get growing.
Brodbecks has seen a little frogeye south of here where they have been having some fog. Golden Harvest has had some frogeye pop-up around us, but we have yet to have any. We have not found disease in the corn. It is looking good so far. The wind we?ve had has torn some of the leaves in the corn but other than that, it is looking really good.
We have about 300-some acres of back-to-back beans and we?re going to put some fungicide on that, but otherwise we sit back and let it go and don?t put anything else on. All it seems to do is make it a point or two wetter a lot of times.
We have one farm out in Richmond Indiana and last year was the only year we haven?t put fungicide on it and we lost a lot from that. This year we are putting it back on. It is back in the hills and hollows. We don?t want to haul all of the loads of corn out of there and it produces really good beans. It has ever since we?ve farmed it.
Weed control has been keeping up. The beans I sprayed around home are holding up still. We have a little volunteer corn in the one field there around home and we got it sprayed and it is rolling up. We got our farms up at New Paris sprayed too. We?re pretty happy with things so far.