On February 13th, the West Holmes FFA Chapter attended sub-district speaking at Plymouth High School.
The categories were FFA Creed Speaking, Beginning Prepared Speaking and Extemporaneous Speaking. Garrett Houin competed in the FFA Creed Speaking Competition. Garrett Houin was 2nd in his division. In Beginning Prepared Speaking, which is writing a 5-7 minute speech, Chloe Shumaker spoke about the pro and cons of tail docking in sheep and cattle. Chloe placed 2nd in her division as well. In advanced prepared, which is a 5-7 minute speech of an agricultural topic Bree Houin spoke about precision agriculture in which she talked about 20/20 vision, she received 2nd place. In Extemporaneous Speaking, which is drawing a random agricultural topic and writing a 4-6 minute speech on it in a half hour. Jayme Pennell competed in that area and received 1st overall. All members proceeded to Districts Speaking at Northmore High School on February 18th.? ? Continue reading