Ohio?s Crop Progress ? September 11, 2017

by | Sep 11, 2017 | Ohio Country Journal

Conditions have been mostly dry with the exception of some scattered rain in some counties thorough out the week, according to Cheryl Turner, Ohio State Statistician for the USDA?s National Agricultural Statistics Service. There were 5.5 days available for fieldwork for the week ending September 10, 2017. Crops that haven?t reached maturity could still benefit from rain, and the lower temperatures conditions have slowed down crop maturity. The effects of a dry turn after a relatively wet season continue to be evident. Some corn appears to be dying prematurely, most likely from nitrogen loss and shallow roots that were consequences of the extremely wet spring and early summer. Late season weed escapes presented problems in some soybean fields. Hay fields and pastures seem to be doing well considering the lack of rain and lower temperatures. Other activities for the week included apple harvest, hay cutting, manure application on wheat stubble, mowing, and preparation for fall wheat seedings.

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